who we are

For the past 180 years, AHA (Vic) has been at the forefront of providing industry leadership, advocating on behalf of its members, and championing best practices in hotel management. Throughout its rich history, AHA (Vic) has remained committed to representing the interests of its members by ensuring their voices are heard, and addressing the challenges and opportunities faced by the hotel industry.

With a legacy built on integrity, expertise, and dedication, AHA (Vic) continues to empower and support its members, contributing to the ongoing success and growth of the hotel industry in Victoria.

Our members include:

Within the diverse Victorian hospitality industry, AHA (Vic) membership incorporates CBD, metropolitan, regional and rural hotels and pubs, accommodation hotels, resorts.

Why become a member?

As an AHA (Vic) member you will receive regular compliance updates e.g. liquor and food. Members receive unlimited phone support to assist with liquor, wagering, and workplace relations.

Being an AHA (Vic) member gives you the opportunity to participate in metropolitan and regional event, access to a variety of training programs and receive onsite visitation from AHA (Vic) staff to assist you with your business challenges.

Save money with member only rebates and special offers. Keep in touch with hotel industry trends, have your say and network with other owners.

Honourable Members

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